From: Lee Wai Ho
Comments: I am from Shatec. After browsing your own recipe web site, I found it is very useful. It shows the details
clearly. I learnt quite a lot from there. Thanks a lot for your teaching.
Comments: I impress my girlfriend's mom with the Indian Cuisine that u had taught me at Shatec.
Do you know what she said after she after dinner? "When are you proposing my daughter?"
From: Rimish
Comments: The website is very good.
From: Koh Ai Ling
I'm really very proud of you. So good in your web. I find that your recipes
are very clear. I always envy people who can cook well. It is very nice of you to share your recipes with others. I really
loved your Indian food.
From: Tin Myo Zaw
Comments: It's the best.
From: Anita
Comments: The recipes were very practical.
From: Pamela Roshan
Comments: A very creative way of presenting your passion.
From: Emily Chow
Comments: I am seafood lover, and all your seafood dishes
are wonderful.
From: Danial
Comments: It is an eye-pleasing and easy to function website.